Roof Maintenance

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Toiture Novatrice Inc.

Roof Maintenance

Regular maintenance of your roof is crucial to extend the life of your roof covering, protect your investment and detect potential problems before they cause potential damage. Roofs generally suffer from extreme weather conditions during summer and winter, which is why we must pay special attention to the spring and fall maintenance routine.

Toiture Novatrice Inc.

What does roofing maintenance involve?

Regular maintenance of your roof is an extremely valuable tool to anticipate potential roofing defects before they cause real damage. Roofing maintenance needs can vary depending on the roofing material, roof installation, age, environment and more.

In general, we suggest the roof and its components be maintained twice a year by expert roofers for effective maintenance and to avoid other potential problems.

It is often less expensive to maintain your roof than to repair it!

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Composantes de la toiture à considérer lors de l'entretien :





Chimney Connections



Edges and ridges


And more

Fall Roof Maintenance

The maintenance service requires specialized equipment and a specific procedure to make a suitable and effective cleaning before the arrival of winter. We’d like to be cautious and ensure the waterproofing of your roof. The most important thing is to remove all fallen branches, piles of dead leaves in corners and gutters, clean dirt and any fungus we might find.

Spring Roof Maintenance

We offer a professional and efficient maintenance service for your roof in the spring. The first maintenance of the year consists of cleaning the joint towers, checking the fragile parts of the roof, looking out for bird nests, and other procedures to avoid premature deterioration of your roof.

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